Thursday, September 6, 2012

Military Esprit de Corps

For those of you who don't know this yet, I am a proud military family member.  My father retired from the US Navy, my husband retired after 29 years in the Army, my son-in-law is in the Army, my daughter and her husband are in the Air Force and I have numerous brothers, brother-in-laws, nephews etc. that have all (or are) serving.

My whole life has had the military running through it.  I work for the US Army as a contractor.  So you get the theme here.

One thing I LOVE about our troops is their ability to keep their humor up and the incredible esprit de corps that they display when things are rough.  To that end, several different groups of military folks have done parodies of the song, "Call me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen.  I've begun to collect these parodies as I love watching them and seeing the troops smiling.

I wanted to share three of my favorite ones with you.

The first one I'm going to link to a story first, you can watch the video from there.  I suggest you read the story first as it will put the video into a much sharper focus for you when you learn of the back story.

And the second one is here:

And the last one is here.  A note on this one - these soldiers are from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) they work with helicopters.  Most of the movements they make in the video are real movements that are used to direct helicopters in battle.  I was perplexed by the moves with their belts and the counting until my husband explained they were gearing up with carabiners to repel out of the helicopters - okay now it made sense.  As you watch this one make sure you take note of the soldiers off to the left they are cracking up too.

I hope you enjoy these versions and please remember that each of these military people are serving our country in a war zone so that we and others can have freedom.  God Bless them all!

UPDATE to Our Garden Visitor(s)

The past few days have been very hectic!  Sorry I've not posted more.  I thought I'd show you a bit more of our yard and discuss some visitors. 

This is the front door all decked out for summer.  I change the wreath every month or so. I love to make wreaths!  This one though had a problem.  A little bird kept trying to build her nest here.  I cleaned up 4 or 5 eggs that broke before she moved her home to...

this tree which is in the front yard.  Can't see the nest? 

Not the best picture, but you can get the idea. 

We love our birds, and I will post more on them as time goes on.  However I wanted to share an update to an earlier blog, "Seen-In-my-Garden".  It was in this post that you met a visitor to my garden who has stayed all summer.  We've left him alone and he has done nothing but GROW!

Top of Spider
Bottom of Spider

He has almost doubled in 3 weeks.  We measured him and he is over 3 inches from tip of leg to tip of leg - as you see him here (We didn't, nor could we, flatten his legs out). 

It is kind of scary and neat all at once.  He has a following in our neighborhood as several of the kids come to see him every day.

I will admit I am NOT a fan of spiders (or crawly things in general) but this spider has won a spot in our life.  He is so taciturn, sitting there and catching bugs ignoring the humans who gaze at him.  He reminds me of a grumpy old man who harrumphs when people speak to him!

A final view for this morning are my flower pots.  I have 4 - two in front of the house at the bottom of the steps and two on the porch by the door.  I mix up what I do every year - no two years are the same except for the center spiky plants - Dracina! 

I really loved the pretty purple and white petunias.

What's around the bend?  I have some more pictures of plants that I love - just have to squeeze out the time to post them for you! 

May your day be blessed and your time be plentiful.  CC

Monday, September 3, 2012


Apfelpfannkuchen - WOW what a mouthful!  I can translate this to mean "Apple Pancake".  Please understand that I don't speak but about 3 words of German.  When I translated this, well I could have said, "YUMMY" but... I'm sure that isn't even close!

Before we begin with this recipe let me start by giving you some background and a warning!  I grew up most of my life in Ohio.  My Mamaw and Papaw were of solid German descent and Mamaw cooked variations of many German dishes that I'm familiar with now.  I can remember, as a very small child sitting at the breakfast table after doing our farm chores, the mouthwatering smells of apples cooking.  Since Mamaw has gone on to her rewards in heaven, I can't ask her for her recipe.  I've spent 30+ years searching for something close to her apple breakfast pancake/cake/bread.  I think I was about 5 years old the last time I had this at her house.

Well I've finally found a recipe that is pretty close to what I remember.  Apfelpfannkuchen!!  I should tell you that I searched books and the web to come up with this recipe which is a combination of several different recipes.

WARNING - this is NOT to be consumed if you are on a diet!!!  This is FAR from diet food.  That said....

This recipe gives me a sweet apple treat that rises like a souffle, turns a beautiful golden brown in my oven - and when removed from the oven it gently falls and forms an eggy delightful treat.  We eat this for breakfast, but it could be served as a desert. The aroma which fills my kitchen is apple cinnamon and YUM!

I have been known to adjust the spices to taste!
     1/2 cup AP Flour                    4 eggs at room temperature
     1 Tbs of sugar                         1 cup room temperature milk
     1/2 tsp baking powder            1/4 cup + 3 TBS of butter
     1/8 tsp salt                              1/2 tsp vanilla
     1/4 tsp fresh ground nutmeg      ground cloves
     1/2 cup brown sugar                1/2 tsp cinnamon
     1 lg tart apple                       

Preheat oven to 425 degrees
1 - In a medium bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt

2 - Then add & combine eggs, milk, 3 TBS melted butter, 1/8 tsp nutmeg and vanilla.

3 - Set the bowl aside for a 1/2 hour on the counter

4 - After the batter is together, peel and core one large apple and then cut it into thin slices

5 - Take a skillet (cast iron works GREAT) that can go from stove top to oven and melt the remaining1/4 cup of butter.  When the butter is melted add the brown sugar, cinnamon and the remaining 1/8 tsp of fresh ground nutmeg to the melted butter and stir gently.  Then add the thinly sliced apples. 

6 - Let this simmer gently on the stove until the mixture is bubbly and the apples have begun to soften

After step 6 is completed
7 - Pour the batter into the pan with the apples
After step 7 is completed
8 - Gently stir the mixture to incorporate all of the ingredients
After step 8 is completed
9 - Now pop this in a 425 degree oven for 15 minutes.  Reduce the temperature to 375 degrees and finish the Apfelpfannkuchen for another 10 or so minutes.  It is done when you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean.
YUM!  Fresh from the oven
10 - I invert mine onto a plate, be warned that this will "fall" and sort of flatten out - that is what you want it to do! 

11 - I serve mine with warmed maple syrup. 

What was left after breakfast this morning!
 I hope you enjoy this recipe.

I'd like to leave you with one more tip or idea.  When I find a new recipe I want to try, I faithfully follow the instructions.  After we try the new recipe I find myself often tweaking or adjusting the flavors to suit my family.  When I do this, I always leave the original recipe in tact on my recipe card and make notes on the back of the card as to my adjustments.  Just an idea!

What's around the bend?  I haven't a clue what will be my next food posting.  I usually have the inspiration to blog a recipe hit me about 2 minutes into the recipe.

Is there any recipe you'd like to see blogged?  If so let me know and I'll see if it is in my abilities and pocketbook!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Airborne and Special Operations Museum/Foundation

God bless our troops.  Simple 4 words?  Perhaps.

You see my whole family has or is serving.  My father in the Navy, my husband Army, my daughter and her husband Air Force, and my nephew is Army.  I've never put on the uniform of our nation, but I too have served.  I have given my most precious commodity - my family to the defense of our nation.

I don't care what your opinion is of the war we are currently participating in, but please remember the men and women who are fighting this war are not to blame.  Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers.

Now on to my story!

This summer I was privileged to attend a reunion of my husband's old Brigade, the 35th Signal Brigade (Airborne).  We celebrated with his friends, their families and other warriors of the Brigade.  The reunion was held at Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, NC.  We visited the Airborne and Special Operations Museum.

The Airborne & Special Operations Museum Front Entry
The larger than life statue is "Iron Mike" - and if you've been to Ft. Bragg (or served there) please do NOT panic!  The original Iron Mike statue is still on post where you last saw him.  This is a faithful rendition that graces the entryway of the museum.  For those of you who have never had the privilege of going to Ft. Bragg, Iron Mike's plaque reads:

If you ever have a chance to go to the museum, it is well worth the time.  Entry is free!  If you can't get to the museum here is a link to their website:

While the reunion group was there we dedicated a marker to honor the Brigade.

 It was awesome to see the men and women who have served in this Brigade over the years.  I was humbled and found that my eyes filled with tears more than I'd like to admit. 

Above is the stone set in the walkway.  These are all the places the Brigade has served in combat. 

So tonight, when you get ready for bed, please remember to include the men and women in uniform who serve night and day to keep us safe.