Sunday, September 2, 2012

Airborne and Special Operations Museum/Foundation

God bless our troops.  Simple 4 words?  Perhaps.

You see my whole family has or is serving.  My father in the Navy, my husband Army, my daughter and her husband Air Force, and my nephew is Army.  I've never put on the uniform of our nation, but I too have served.  I have given my most precious commodity - my family to the defense of our nation.

I don't care what your opinion is of the war we are currently participating in, but please remember the men and women who are fighting this war are not to blame.  Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers.

Now on to my story!

This summer I was privileged to attend a reunion of my husband's old Brigade, the 35th Signal Brigade (Airborne).  We celebrated with his friends, their families and other warriors of the Brigade.  The reunion was held at Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, NC.  We visited the Airborne and Special Operations Museum.

The Airborne & Special Operations Museum Front Entry
The larger than life statue is "Iron Mike" - and if you've been to Ft. Bragg (or served there) please do NOT panic!  The original Iron Mike statue is still on post where you last saw him.  This is a faithful rendition that graces the entryway of the museum.  For those of you who have never had the privilege of going to Ft. Bragg, Iron Mike's plaque reads:

If you ever have a chance to go to the museum, it is well worth the time.  Entry is free!  If you can't get to the museum here is a link to their website:

While the reunion group was there we dedicated a marker to honor the Brigade.

 It was awesome to see the men and women who have served in this Brigade over the years.  I was humbled and found that my eyes filled with tears more than I'd like to admit. 

Above is the stone set in the walkway.  These are all the places the Brigade has served in combat. 

So tonight, when you get ready for bed, please remember to include the men and women in uniform who serve night and day to keep us safe.


  1. You are so correct as those of us that are support to those in uniform make all the difference. Both Bill(my handsome husband) and bro Peter have served too. We have a good long history of pro military either as front line or support and for that I am thankful. May we never forget our troops and the sacrifices they have made for us, as well as their families have made.
    Love you my VA SIS...

  2. I think I neglected one brother, Pete and my brother-in-law Bill. They too have served.

    God bless our nation and God bless the patriotic military people who have made our nation possible. We pay tribute to them in words and deeds, they pay and have paid, in body, blood and life.

    Love you to NM Sis
