Thursday, September 6, 2012

Military Esprit de Corps

For those of you who don't know this yet, I am a proud military family member.  My father retired from the US Navy, my husband retired after 29 years in the Army, my son-in-law is in the Army, my daughter and her husband are in the Air Force and I have numerous brothers, brother-in-laws, nephews etc. that have all (or are) serving.

My whole life has had the military running through it.  I work for the US Army as a contractor.  So you get the theme here.

One thing I LOVE about our troops is their ability to keep their humor up and the incredible esprit de corps that they display when things are rough.  To that end, several different groups of military folks have done parodies of the song, "Call me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen.  I've begun to collect these parodies as I love watching them and seeing the troops smiling.

I wanted to share three of my favorite ones with you.

The first one I'm going to link to a story first, you can watch the video from there.  I suggest you read the story first as it will put the video into a much sharper focus for you when you learn of the back story.

And the second one is here:

And the last one is here.  A note on this one - these soldiers are from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) they work with helicopters.  Most of the movements they make in the video are real movements that are used to direct helicopters in battle.  I was perplexed by the moves with their belts and the counting until my husband explained they were gearing up with carabiners to repel out of the helicopters - okay now it made sense.  As you watch this one make sure you take note of the soldiers off to the left they are cracking up too.

I hope you enjoy these versions and please remember that each of these military people are serving our country in a war zone so that we and others can have freedom.  God Bless them all!

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