Thursday, September 6, 2012

UPDATE to Our Garden Visitor(s)

The past few days have been very hectic!  Sorry I've not posted more.  I thought I'd show you a bit more of our yard and discuss some visitors. 

This is the front door all decked out for summer.  I change the wreath every month or so. I love to make wreaths!  This one though had a problem.  A little bird kept trying to build her nest here.  I cleaned up 4 or 5 eggs that broke before she moved her home to...

this tree which is in the front yard.  Can't see the nest? 

Not the best picture, but you can get the idea. 

We love our birds, and I will post more on them as time goes on.  However I wanted to share an update to an earlier blog, "Seen-In-my-Garden".  It was in this post that you met a visitor to my garden who has stayed all summer.  We've left him alone and he has done nothing but GROW!

Top of Spider
Bottom of Spider

He has almost doubled in 3 weeks.  We measured him and he is over 3 inches from tip of leg to tip of leg - as you see him here (We didn't, nor could we, flatten his legs out). 

It is kind of scary and neat all at once.  He has a following in our neighborhood as several of the kids come to see him every day.

I will admit I am NOT a fan of spiders (or crawly things in general) but this spider has won a spot in our life.  He is so taciturn, sitting there and catching bugs ignoring the humans who gaze at him.  He reminds me of a grumpy old man who harrumphs when people speak to him!

A final view for this morning are my flower pots.  I have 4 - two in front of the house at the bottom of the steps and two on the porch by the door.  I mix up what I do every year - no two years are the same except for the center spiky plants - Dracina! 

I really loved the pretty purple and white petunias.

What's around the bend?  I have some more pictures of plants that I love - just have to squeeze out the time to post them for you! 

May your day be blessed and your time be plentiful.  CC

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