Sunday, August 5, 2012

Baby Quilt

I made this quilt for a friend of mine whom I work with and his wife.  They were going to have a boy!  Since I've only had granddaughters and daughters, FINALLY I would get a chance to make a boy's quilt!

I asked my friend what theme did they have?  He told me none.  I asked what colors, to which he replied, nothing specific but no pastels. 

Well that left the door wide open!  So I drafted a quilt pattern, calculated my yardage and off to the LQS I went (Local Quilt Store).  I fell in love with Moda's Meadow Friends.  This is the quilt.

Baby Quilt - Moda's Meadow Friends
I quilted it on my Bernina and just did some simple echo quilting to simulate ripples in water.  Imagine a stone being dropped in the pond - the ripples flowing outward. 
Close up of quilt
I know you can't see it very well - the picture didn't do the quilt justice (plus the fact the quilt was photographed upside down). 

I tend to make baby quilts larger than what would be considered "normal".  I remember as a young mother always wishing the baby blankets were just a smidge larger. 

The batting is dream cotton and I quilted it with YLI thread.  Once I washed it I thought it looked nice.  Not too puffy, but just enough to give it some definition.

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