Monday, August 13, 2012

Plattsburgh, NY

We just returned from several days in Plattsburgh NY, where we attended a good friend's daughter's wedding.

I love Plattsburgh!  It is on Lake Champlain and it is just a lovely place.  Having visited our friend, and her family, several times I was forced to look up some information on this area.  Here is a map of the lake:

And here is a good link for information on the lake:

Did you know that there are legally SIX Great Lakes?  Yes there are! Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior are the five that most people are familiar with.  However in 1998 Lake Champlain was named (officially) the sixth great lake.  Here is a link to that information:

Did you know that Lake Champlain has its' own legendary monster?  Probably not as well known as Nessie in Scotland, but nonetheless - here is some information on Champy.  By the way, I've looked for her whenever we are visiting the lake, but alas, nothing seen - YET!!  And here is another website with some more informaion:

Did you know that in 1814 the first military base was located in Plattsburgh?  This base evenutally became the Plattsburgh Air Force Base and it was closed in 1995 by the BRAC (Defense Base Closure and Realignment).  "The original military reservation consisted of only 200 acres. Additional parcels of land were acquired and stone barracks were built to house "Plattsburgh Barracks" personnel in 1838. Many different types of units have valiantly served  at Plattsburgh over the years using a great variety of weapons, from muskets and cannons to the sophisticated FB-111As and KC-135s. When the base was finally closed, it covered 3,447 acres."  Here is a link to the Wikipedia article I drew a lot of this information from: The history of this base is wonderful, colorful and upon reading it, helped me understand some of the War of 1812 better. 

If you ever have a chance to visit this area of our country, I can highly recommend it!  You will be 20 miles (or so) south of the Canadian border and only 55+ miles from Montreal.  The Lake Placid olympic village lies about 40 miles from Plattsburgh and I understand that the outlets in Burlington VT aren't far away either!  There are a ton of historical sites and things to view and learn about.  One of my favorite is a story that was verbally related to me by a long time resident about a tiny island (I would guess the "island" is about the size of a house - a one story rancher - but that is my guess) that lay off the mainland about a 1/3 of a mile.  The story goes that one evening during the War of 1812, the British thought the island was an American ship (I've seen the island in the evening and I can easily see why someone might think that) so they bombed it and expended all of their ammunition trying to sink the perceived ship.  I haven't been able to confirm that verbal story, but it was interesting and it was told to me with a great deal of joy and by a man who was an inate story teller!!!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Yes, I did know about Champ~as we watched a documentary about North America's Nessie. How beautiful an green it must have been~bet you and your sweetie had a tremendous time.

    Love ya, NM SIS.
