Sunday, August 19, 2012

Crepe Myrtles

We love to garden!  Unfortunately, we live in an area that is almost 100% clay but I'm slowly overcoming that hurdle. 

Moving to Virginia from the north was great, for many reasons!  I found a whole new variety of plants to enjoy!  Hands down, my favorite local lovely are crepe myrtles.  I have 6 of them in my yard, and if my hubby didn't rein me in I'd probably have 60!  They come in all colors, shapes, sizes and they bloom at different times from spring to summer.  Here are two of mine and a close up of the flower clusters.  One thing to note is these were taken about 12 hours after a heavy rainfall, the stems/branches are bent slightly from the weight of the water on the heavy blooms.

I am working on getting more gardening pictures together to post, but I wanted to share these with you as they are my favorites. 

1 comment:

  1. They look lovely and the lawn~wow!

    It must be like having your very own beautiful bouquet waiting for you each day as you return home from work!

    Love ya,
    NM SIS!
