Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chameleon Beans!

We went to the Madison Farmers Market this morning.  One of the stands was selling purple beans - which the lady swore would turn green when cooked, and she also said they'd taste just like green beans.  Well my middle name is scepticism, but what the heck I'd give it a whirl.
Purple Beans fresh from the market.
So I washed them and cut them to prepare for the first step of my recipe here is what they looked like.
Note the lovely green centers - and I wish there was smell-o-vision on the computer they smelled SO FRESH!
We put them in the microwave for 5 minutes to start the cooking.  Here is what they looked like after that.
We saved an uncooked bean to compare the cooked ones too.  Note my husband is pointing it out for you.
I'll give you the recipe below but here was the final products!
Green beans with nuts and steak!

Dinner!  I love the cloth napkins.
So I am no longer sceptical.  One of my sisters said that she loves to eat purple beans (purple green beans) raw!

  1. WASH your beans very thoroughly.  As you wash them watch for bad ones, leaves etc. 
  2. Cut your ends off and either snap or cut your beans into bite sized pieces.
  3. Put them in a microwave safe bowl, put several tablespoons of water in the container and then cover it with stretch tite (saran wrap).
  4. For two servings cook it in the microwave for 5 minutes.  You aren't trying to cook them through - just get them started.
  5. While you're doing this take some hazelnut pieces (or almond pieces) and toast them in a small frying pan.  I toast them on medium high heat and NEVER LEAVE THEM.  I stir them a lot - they are done when you can see a tinge of color but more importantly when you can smell them.  They go from being done to burnt in seconds - so be very mindful.
  6. Move the toasted nuts to a cutting board and let them cool (we'll get back to them later in the recipe)
  7. When the beans are done in the microwave move them to a frying pan.  I use a spritz of oil and a pat of butter to cook them - however you can adjust this to taste.
  8. Add a pinch of salt (or if you are on a salt restricted diet skip this) and some fresh ground pepper.
  9. Cook them covered on medium heat.  I stir them often.  You want them to get a touch of brown color but not fried.
  10. While they are cooking, cut up your toasted nuts.  I like them cut pretty fine, but make them to your taste.
  11. Into the hot pan of beans add some lemon juice.  I love fresh squeezed but sometimes the price gets me.  I have been known to use lemon juice from a jar.  I use about a 1/2 tsp - but you can adjust this to taste.  Stir and remove from the heat immediately.  Add the nuts and mix.
  12. Serve and ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. I love dinner and recipe posts! Your meal looks delish~and I am sure it was.

    Love ya,
    NM Sis
