Friday, August 3, 2012

Thoughts on Food

My husband and I live alone, just the two of us and our cat.  About a year ago it occurred to me that we were NOT living efficiently nor were we being good stewards of food.  I was wasting things for no reason other than I was lazy.   About a year ago we also looked at ourselves and realized we needed to change our eating habits or risk moving into the severely overweight category. 

Couple these two things and add to it my slow awakening to the dangers in processed and prepared foods.  I'm constantly shocked by what is in premade/packaged foods!  For instance, the next time you're at the supermarket and you go to buy a raw whole chicken to roast READ THE LABEL.  I was floored when my raw chicken had a LIST OF INGREDIENTS!!! 

Luckily, we are able to put food on our table relatively easily.  We have many choices and we take full advantage of them!  I am planning on learning how to can next year.  That will be blogged so that everyone can enjoy my trials and tribulations and hopefully, people chime in and offer advice!

Anyway, for now in our life we are striving to do our own food prep from scratch for as much as we can.  I'll admit that we both work jobs that are more than 40 hours a week and we sometimes are lazy.

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