Saturday, August 4, 2012


I've thought about blogging for a while.  Several friends and relatives have blogs and I enjoy reading them.  I also have found a wealth of information in blogs.  So why not?

This is my first attempt and please bear with me as I add content.  Right now it is pretty sparse, but please check back to see whats new!

Where did I get the name?  I love driving on back roads.  I love wandering and I often find myself thinking, "Whats around the next bend"?  When I think about it, it is an interesting way to face life.  I am usually cruising along happily living my life when I look up and realize that, for whatever reason, we are approaching a bend.  As I continue to cruise I begin to prepare and think about what the next stretch of road will bring.  I can bring this analogy to everything - but I won't bore you with that!

So I hope you enjoy what you find her in my little corner of the blogging world.

1 comment:

  1. I do! I do! I am so excited to travel with you around the bend!

    Love you!
    NM Sis :)
